Exploring Questionable Biblical PATH’S…

LISTEN…THIS IS A FACT….IF YOUR CHURCH IS NOT TEACHING YOU TO OPEN THE THIRD EYE….Penial Gland…THIS IS SPIRITUALISM…AND I THINK YOU SHOULD ASK YOUR PASTURE WHY…???…I know why they aren’t teaching YOU…When will you Know…???…But by all means keep giving your donations…Hhhmmm…???…So they can travel to India and get Enlightenment to CONTROL YOU…This is not […]


Analyzing our fathers Touch… God is Pure Spiritual Power of LIFE IT SELF… The Beginning of ( ALL )….their for you ARE The mathematical equation of Your LIVING SPIRIT…in TRUTH to LOVE… Your Body is only the Vehicle for Your Living Spirit… To be who and what You ARE… THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD OF […]


Always remember this is about GREED and CONTROL…so if someone is going to help you out for alot of money you were probable manipulated to them… Beware of Lies from those who walk you into the Lions den…I spoke to this person Via Email several times…and a day or 2 Later ..A woman showed up […]

The Dangerous Cell Phone Attacks…

https://www.wired.com/2016/11/block-ultrasonic-signals-didnt-know-tracking/   SONICONTROL…play store app Listen cell phones are extremely dangerous and are essentially a chip in your hand and transmitter to the one in your body…I understand they have become a necessity but if you aren’t using it turn it off…and put it in another room this will lessen the headaches… ALL DETECT…….  also […]


Third Eye Pineal Gland: The Biggest Cover Up in Human History https://youtu.be/yD1Qwm6a5Lk Stop Thinking in your Programmed loop….Do you really think they used Ropes and Machinery to build the Pyramids…ALL LIES… Again MATH is the TRUTH of GOD…and the answer will always be HONEST…Look up the number of blocks weight of the blocks and perfection […]