Great Wall of China

Just the Fact that we only know 5% of the Oceans and the World is 3/4 water…is Scary enough or maybe that’s Just another Line of Crap…I wonder if People understand We Have Massive Underwater Bases…???…Well at Least they aren’t telling us they Paid 600 dollars for a Hammer anymore….What a Joke….More like $5 dollars for the Hammer and $595 in My Pocket…Makes Me think of those coffee mugs…

Anyways… JAE people are so busy Day Dreaming as they Stumble along they SEE Nothing…and when something is caught on you said its blurred…Hey I have some pictures for you…actually a Video..if I can Find it…Trans dimensional flash of light and Winged creature Flying across My Living room…I keep telling myself its a Moth or a Bat or ahhhh..But after the 57th time of watching it and seeing the dust blow across the whole room…Well that’s a pretty Damn Big Moth or a Bat….lol…Hey I’m a Believer…or I would of lost My Sanity a Long time ago…I have seen enough personally and on my Surveillance….And it wasn’t fuzzy…lol….and neither was I…ha,ha…
I’ve always been Honest and….JAE the TRUTH IS….IT FREAKED ME OUT….although scaring me was part of the Senario…First time I saw A Reptilian….I thought she was Messing with me…..I said what the hell are you wearing…You look like the lizard guy from Start Trek…and the Harder I looked …its Like wow your is alot Better….ha,ha,ha…It Looks alot more real….BRO I Sh*T you not…She jumped at me and in a tenth of a Second…I knew it weren’t no Mask..She was at the Foot of a double bed..pushed in the corner…and I was sitting up by the head of the bed…Lightening fast right in my Face….You ever Just leap back and wonder how you did it…Yep Slammed My Head and body against the wall….Instant Shock…She held my head and pet my head like I was a Dog….Awhhhh did I scare you…I was Frozen Catatonic..Do you know it wasn’t till my awakening that I remembered that Happening…must be 15 years ago now…that was in Milwaukee but the weird thing is I just saw her in Manitowoc at Aldis about 3 weeks ago with some guy and a few kids…Hhhmmm….I know what I know…The Question is When will People Start understanding the Geographics of this Planet….AIN’T what your Being Shown…This is a FACT…and their is a Thousand references to it…JAE People say THEIR NOT TELEPORTING ME…ANYWHERE….!!!….and Really Just how the HELL does anyone know if your just getting on an Elevator…???…..We really know so little..about anything…OHHH I got on the Jet and it took off and I Landed AT…….Wait for it…..( THE TERMINAL )aaaaand walked threw the …………GATE…..Yeah Disney world has some pretty convincing rides too…But they don’t cost a grand a Pop…wait are we talking about Hammers again…ha,ha,ha……Yeah that’s allot of food for thought…..Maybe we are just synced with other Planets and are told they are Continents…???…Because at this Point NOTHING would surprise ME…
So anywaysss remember that movie The Great WALL…..
I’ve been thinking about The Great Wall of China….and that movie
I’m Just wondering AT WHAT POINT WE ALL Stop Believing NON-SENSE….no two videos have the same length or Story….1 says a 1000 and the other says 13,000
JAE at some point…it doesn’t matter how many People you have and look at some of those Stones….This Whole Story is Just THAT….A STORY…..Absolutely NO WAY…Just another Shovel of Pyramid CRAP for Dumb Humane’s….and People Need to wake up to ALL these Lies…Not to Mention the whole wall Layout has little military Sense…At Least against Another Humane…???I think this need some Woodward investigation…lol….So its on top of Mountains…and if Lord knows How you could possibly build 10 miles a day on the top of a mountain…because you can only get so many people at the face of the working structure at a time..and although you could build in multiple spots at once Matching up becomes a Problem to a Bigger degree…I’m just shaking My Head….at 10 miles a day that’s 1,300 years…and its not just a wall in allot of Places…and in the desert…Just where exactly are they getting all these reeds to build it…its just Nonsense….This whole Society is Living LIE on top of LIE…A Virtual Video game Vortex for Fools….and not to drone on things….

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