You ever Wonder why weird things are happening in your Home…???and you hear sounds in the other room…cupboards slamming, or drawers opening….The board that squeaks when you walk down your Hall way,  because it only happens when someone steps on that one Board or spot…???…You jump out of bed freaked out…and look down the hallway having a heart attack….So you run to check the front door and look threw your House feeling Paranoid and freaked out,,, someone is IN YOUR HOUSE…!!!…..Then you get a call from A so called Friend and jump out of your Skin when the phone rings.. someone you know and say….. Ohhh MY GOD I’m glad you called… I was so scared, I was sure someone was in the House…!!!….But I Looked and Thank God the door is locked and I checked all the rooms and no one is here but ME….

GUESS WHAT…??? THEY ARE THERE…!!!….YOU JUST CAN’T SEE THEM…WHY…YOU ASK…Well this is called INVISIBLE HYPNOSIS…..YESSS IT IS VERY REAL….Their are Many of these outlines on UTUBE…and I listed several on HERE…in another chapter….

It’s all Cutiesied Up as a BIG JOKE on the Video’s on the internet…It’s alot of things….. BUT..IT’S NOT A JOKE…OR REMOTELY CUTE OR FUNNY….

Unless you are comfortable with having sex with your Boyfriend or Husband in front of a group of people…??? or taking a Shower with someone watching YOU….and Probable MUCH MORE….Your just totally Blind too right now…


The Sad part is that it’s extremly common among most churches and Cults…YES thats right…the Sweet Church you are Attending…???…They are probable watching and controlling you in some weird Fashion to PLEASE THEM…Read your scripture…it directly states how people will be lead into darkness…with Spiritual Power….Says it right in the BOOK.(bible)..They know it and You Know it…But they still do it…and once people taste this Evil Power…it is The CRACK of ALL SATAN’S EVIL ADDICTIONS ….and they cannot STOP…It becomes some Warped Lie they tell themselves that its ALL for a Good Reason….

LET ME ASSURE EVERYONE…DOING BAD THINGS WITH GOOD INTENTIONS…WILL NEVER BE GOOD…IN ANY WAY….Like Robbing a Bank to feed 100 POOR People…and then the peoples money you stole end up losing everything and Starving…..Along with the 5000 people they feed with the crops they grew with the farm they LOST….

The Bible is Very Specific…about the rules…if it isn’t good don’t do it…and if you LIE…well it isn’t going to end up being good…or you wouldn’t be Lieing about it RIGHT…???

So anywaysss Like a dumby I answered the phone..VA medical center in MILWAUKEE…and she said call this number and they will help you…So again like a Dumby I called…VA medical center in Appleton…and when she said can you hold on..I should of Hung UP…Because NOW I have A DEMON in MY HOUSE…They will assault you…like they have several times while I am writting this…They will choke you and beat on you gives me headaches and Neasea,,,and Bruises….Just makes life Hell….

If you own a pet like a dog or a cat they can see them…and its not a guess its very very obvious they watch them…walking around the room…Your pet isn’t watching something walking threw the room invisible because they are freaking out they are looking at something you can’t see…

I want you to understand it took me 57 years to figure this all out beyond a shadow of a doubt…or any craziness we all might have losing our minds to these Demonic Cult torcher’s….See like right now I am getting extremely drowsy…They are using multiple Torcher options on you…Ultra frequencies…Different tones,clicks, or whistles…what ever you have been conditioned too and hand signs…These are facts…not guesses…and Probable chipping…

See the way this starts out…is listed in another chapter…and yesss I know alot of miss-spelling and skipping around…But I do the Best I can…under the circumstances…

LISTEN the Bottom line is…get a cell phone Burner…That is a pre paid untraceable Number….to make your calls…and switch it out …if you feel they are labeling you again…

And absolutely stay away from 5G…or who knows what dimension you might end up in…???…5G has no benefit…it doesn’t transmit far at all…. like 50-100 feet…or something rediculous like that…. I had to read it 12 times and then cross verify because it made absolutely no sense why you would want to use something so inefficient…BUT this is the Reason…it will download and Transfer A Huge amount of data in a snap….Hhhhmmm like why would you need that walking down the street…with your cell phone…???…THINK ABOUT THAT…they aren’t just putting these next to corporations for Business purposes….UNDERSTAND…!!!…

This is a letter to a friend but thought I should add it…

WOW….OK…Welcome to the Crazy ZONE…

OK so check this out….remember how I warned you about How Dangerous these Cell Phones ARE…??? Every where I call always asks can I put ME on HOLD….NO AS A MATTER OF FACT YOU CAN’T…!!!…Don’t get me wrong…some times you do get put on hold…… But when every single call you make….. is 5-15 minutes on hold….It’s No Accident and there is a damn good reason…This is how they keep this Teleportation system OPEN…and then do what ever they want in your Home….Sooo of course me being nervous in the first Place…after my first discovery…well with My Partners confirmation…I should say…… I put Tape over my cameras…Because it is a proven fact…. they can see and hear everything you do..with the right access code to your Phone…even OFF……But I thought…Gee I wonder if they are Strobing me threw the Damn reverse Flash that is facing you…So I put a piece of TAPE OVER THE FLASH…Like a 3/4 inch strip 1/4 inch wide just a slice off a roll of masking Tape…OK…So a few hours later…I went to make a call…and as soon as the call Starts to dial the phone goes black…with no key display….I thought gee I wonder if some idiot played with my phone at the VA….So I went threw all my settings and everything seemed OK…. which doesn’t mean much because I don’t really know alot about the stupid phones in the first Place….Soooo I was just getting ready to call verizone and I thought….I wonder if that new tape over the Flash Strobe is why its going Black…or should I say turning off the screen…Because when I was in the settings it has an auto adjust for the lighting and it hit me that maybe that was the cause…. there must be a sensor to see how Light it is in the room …Right…???…Sure enough…When I took the tape off…the screen popped on nice and bright… and when I put it back on it goes totally Black…not dim…Black…turns the screen off….So even if the sensor was reading the light it would show it as darker and light on the Screen should be Brighter not shut it Off….and thats beside the point….Why would it go off no matter what you did unless they definately did not want that strobe covered….???…So I ask you again Grand Wizard….

ARE YOU STARTING TOO SEE…WHAT IS GOING ON…??? or do you have a BETTER reason why covering the Flash strobe pointing directly in your face and EYE’S would shut the screen OFF….When it is set to 30 minutes on time….???…Now if I cut the tape to a closer size of the flash…it will stay on… but then that Flash strobe is still residually popping past the Tape……Hhhmmmm…..isn’t Science FUN….on the way to THE Prison cell of obedient Slavery…in your own hands…. Paid for BY YOU…???…HOLY CRAP BROTHER….
I use to go on these date know…???…because I’m soooo Isolated and Torchered…. and wow just unbelievable mind control…with the dripping windows beside the main page….and those verification pictures you have to pick out to prove your not a computer…..Yeah Sure that’s what it is…MY ASS…PROGRAMMING……they give me a splitting headache…and it really doesn’t matter what you are discussing…its a roller coaster of emotional highs and lows depending on the frequency they are beaming into YOU…..Do you know that when TETRIS first came out from Russia it was banned HERE…???…Why would you ban a kids game…unless it was way more then just a game…???….Red seems to be a primary control color…I Have alot of data on that but anyways there is this Hottie wearing a Red Baseball cap with the words OBEY on it in big Bold letters…..OMG…instant flash back to THEY LIVE…ever see that movie…???…..Anyways speaking of Movies check out …A CURE FOR WELLNESS…TRUE MOVIE…..and GIVER….TRUE MOVIE……the other one is called GET OUT—-its about a white girl with a black boyfriend and she brings him home to this southern estate and they Brainwash him with Hypnosis….OMG that is IT….HITS THE NAIL RIGHT ON THE HEAD…That movie is sooo close to the TRUTH it is Just Horrifying to ME…Please check it out…!!!….



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