DAVID ICKES…The Frightening… TRUTH

I high Suggest…YOU review David Ickes…works…It is OUTSTANDING…

OUTSTANDING WORK DAVID….!!!…..AS ALWAYS…..THIS IS ALL ABOUT GOOD AND EVIL….WE ARE SUPER HUMANE ALREADY….!!!…That is what has been hidden with Chemicals,LIES,and Technology….Vibrational control and Opening of the Third Eye is THE KEY….That they have Stolen from our Whole Species…Once you understand the Power at Your finger tips….THAT every Man Woman and Child HAS…The Miracle of Spiritual Control will be revealed…But the Over whelming Evil Guidance into Control and Manipulation …Is the Problem…1% are Controlling 99%….WHEN…???…WHEN….???….WHEN…???…. WILL WE ALL SEE….???…The Twisting of the BIBLE WORDS….That has been written to explain ALL of this…..READ INTO THE WORDS AND UNDERSTAND….It was written to BE TIMELESS…TO TELL US ALL THIS….of exactly what is Happening…THE KEY IS IN EPHESIANS -5 and 6….READ these two chapters Until you hear and understand what is being taught to YOU…THIS IS ALL ABOUT….YOUR SPIRITUAL CONTROL….Clouded and Blurred with Technology and SUBLIMINAL Control Ground right into your Head with Electronics ..BY THE MASTER OF LIES……Hence to name…THE WEB OF LIES….!!!….THE TRUTH IS HARD TO SWALLOW…WHEN ALL YOU HAVE BEEN FEED IS LIES……..So enjoy your Flouride….and the Prison cell you pay for to report to there Chains…or be Fired and throwen in the Street…if you miss a few days…Or if they choose…Just say you Failed a Drug TEST…??? …and Pharmaceutical companies feeding you deadly drugs to close your Third Eye…AND energy is Truly Free…

relating to medicinal drugs, or their preparation, use, or sale.
“a pharmaceutical drug”
a compound manufactured for use as a medicinal drug. ..
OMG….The definition says it….ITS IN YOUR FACE….( RELATING TO )…???….( AS A MEDICINAL DRUG )…???…..
notice not ( IS ) a medicinal drug…

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