Let Us ALL Rejoice…For today I spend with… The Lord…and Michael…

Today is My Birthday…October 1st 1962…

No Drinking…No Wild Craziness…

JUST THE Quiet Celebration in My Heart,of the GIFT THE LORD GAVE ME….LIFE…

and let it be known …The greatest Present of All..is his Presence…

For his Blessing are the best Gifts you will ever receive…

And I asked…My Father…Confused…

If I knew it was a Lie and saw it was a Lie…Why would I follow A LIE…

For I could feel great Stupidity…seeing the darkness and wanting to walk in it…

And I heard…

If you could climb over a Mountain or take a Smooth road to get to the same Place…

Which would you choose….I said thats not a very good One…I understand easy is the path to destruction deal… But you usually say something more prophetic in your Parabels…and Micheal laughed and quieted with his glance…

And he said…which would you choose…if you knew you could safely climb over the mountain…to your destination…or walk the smooth path with a mountain on each side…with the possibility of being crushed by a falling Bolder…Which would you choose…

I thought  Gee that’s still not very good but a little better and again Michael Smiled…at the Lord…

And he said…To me…Why would a Salmon swim up stream to find a Mate to Die…When he could easily swim down stream to find one easier…that would not be his choice But would be two spirits  touching to create Life all the same… and I said because to find the right spirit to touch yours is a struggle…and I could almost feel him …in the leaning back in his chair feeling…

and I felt well I ….get it… but its falling short from my Heart in fulfillness…sorry…I think Maybe you picked a Fool to do your Work…and I am that Fool if you will have me…

Micheal says ..if a Fool ate a flower to smell it better…Would He…?…

I shake my head and laugh as I have no witty reply of sarcasm to a Brothers Love that will fit…as he nudges me in the side…and I say quit it…but he never does…



( please understand these talks…. are a tenth… of a tenth… of a tenth of a second…A wave that touches me )

I Did something Shameful and…..well….the Lord does not turn away from me in anyway…

For I wanted a Loving wife so deeply……I used My Birthday Wish to ask for a Blessing…That she would come to me…..and I knew it was wrong but I am so Lonely…and My eyes well up to that…. I am fulfilled with the Lord and who else would show me this much wisdom and grace in his own name and time…

Asking for a Blessing is not true to my righteous Heart…At least to Mine it is not…it is not my right to ask for what I deserve… but only to appreciate what I am given…understand…My lord isn’t going to cheat me or screw me out of anything…understand…I know this with all that I am…

and a quick skip back…I cannot type and I am studing the Hebrew TaNaKh…and Rosh Hashanah…by the touch of our Lords follower..and I said lord I thought today at noon was the end of Rosh Hashanah…and he said to me…Is the Quantity of your time more important then the Quality in your Time…For time belongs to ME…….OMG….thats sooo good….Do you hear his words….?

And now I find out that it ended Monday…So anyways back to his Touch…

So now I skip back to the Beginning that brought this About…

It was after 12 Pm and was the day of my Birth This Morning the 1st…and I was looking at the Woman that said something that stuck in my Heart…I believe she felt Love for Me at some point… But Evil is wrapped around her life…and Poisoning her direction…with Greed and spiritual power….I have said…I see all many times…But as she began to message…she came on video…and of course I am stupid…For I saw the Spell she was casting and instead of running…I let her continue with this curse…upon me…I believe she sent a demon to me….and with this Demon…I became sick…But understand this….I MUST SUFFER….TO TAKE MY PLACE…IN THE LORD…..For THEY (Evil) HAS MADE ME WHO I AM……Is that not the Miracle Of OUR LORDS Work…EVIL Making me The Man of God I am…understand….without this Horrible treatment I would of Never found GOD…Or VOWED MY LIFE TO HIM…OR HEARD HIS WORD TO ME..OR ANYTHING ELSE…

EVIL DROVE ME INTO THE ARMS OF MY LORD…with out a Shred of Doubt in My Mind…

So as she cast her Evil Spell threw this Process…and then tried to break and Hurt My Spirit…With Lurers of enticement and abandonment to make me feel Emotional Brokeness and  Separation from Love…with Painful loneliness …To feed off from my negative Vibrasional output….But since I have begun walking more in the Light of the Spirit…I did not Spiral down into Total Darkness…as I would have before… I saw the Lords Love and had the ability to walk back into the Light…I said to Myself with the Lords Hand…I have a Fat Belly and a Warm bed to sleep in tonight ..Because the Lord has Blessed me…This was THE TRUTH…???…And creating something in My Heart that did not exist 5 minutes Before this was nothing but a Lie to Myself…

I do feel the Presents Here….But it is being pushed Back unlike before it would of attacked me Mercilessly…Now it is Held at Bay…and Must Be driven OUT… Again….Evil will stick to you like invisible Tar and Feathers….Always take a clean shower and think positive to wash off alot of this Negative Energy…It really Helps…with your Prayers and Protection…

maybe this will help you understand…for it is the real reason…


So I ask the Lord this ( Mourning ) what Kind of FOOL am I that I still feel Love for such Cruelity…

He said this is why you are the One…I said what…?… One of the Fools in this World…and he said No the One Chosen….and I said to him …if I am a FOOL then I am your FOOL…and YOU will always Be My Lord….So I asked…So How do I get Evil away from the ONE I SEE…and Michael Started Laughing…Which made me start Laughing and I said well we already established  I am A Fool …So Michael said…on the Seventh day of this Month…it will be a week…If True Love exists…she has 1 week to take your hand…or her choice will be clear…that Darkness is more important.. and you will never change that…no matter 1 week,, 10 weeks ,,or 10 years…and that made My Heart feel better that …We ALL have one Last chance for redemption…and that your Choice will determine Your Own Fate…in the End…

So on the Seventh day of the Month of My Birth…if her hand does not touch Mine I will never Speak to her again for the rest of My Life….Understand when I felt the Demons Attack I wanted Gods Judgement…of Her …I am Allowed to ask this…But You cannot ask of this… if it is from bitterness…pain…. hate…. or revenge…For if you do this…. EVIL will grow Ten fold in Power Because YOU are feeding it with your Negativity….. it is not the EVIL attacking you…. Feeding it…understand…But again I chose to thank Lord for My full Belly and Warm home…Ahmen…

Please understand this Fact…in the Last 2-3 weeks I have had My Neck broken and then My Hip…This is not a Guess it is a Fact…and Xrays would prove these injuries…I didn’t fall…nor did I have any accident of any kind…And the Pain was so severe…. I just asked the Lord TO SEE MY LOVE FOR HIM…and it was when he showed me the Prayer for Michael…I highly recommend this Prayer it is Listed in the previous text…

This was the Attempt to get me back into A place Surrounded By Evil Abuse or to Drive me towards Narcotics…Once you start…Accepting these Drugs…Your ability to defend your Spirit is Greatly diminished…and you become a Puppet to Torcher…

So now may ALL SEE…..Why you are to LOVE your Brother….for if you hate your Brother…it only gives Strength to A Stronger Evil in your Life…And When you hear the Words of kill or Hurt or any type of Cruelity…STOP AND SAY ….GET BEHIND THEE SATAN..I rebuke you in the Name of the Lord…!!!…with Conviction… to Put him in his Place…Behind you and casting him back into the darkness from which he came….ALLMEN….say it as Many times as you Need….

I hope you are understanding…more of what the Bible is Truely saying in the Hiddeness of its Words…and Why LOVE is the Most important POWER in the World…

For EVIL it self is Not guided By FEAR…But is Guided with Ignorance… 

Take that from the FOOL who knows ignorance well…LOL…ha,ha,ha….

So I asked Our Lord what will become of these words or will I be looked at… as the fool he Hired… I was Told a Star will fall…I do not know when or How…I thought today but it is not my right to ever Question anything…For feeling like a fool is one thing…But feeling like an Idiot more then 3 times Will confirm the FOOl you ARE….

Ahhh I must be Learning Something…:)

So I asked if I may share all this and usually I get the Vow of silence Brought up…But I do not hear these words as I speak of  all these things….

Except I am to Proclaim to be NOTHING…

SO I ask this question…What if your Life was only a Box that you thought you were in… and the Reality you Saw was not The True Perception Of What WAS…..???…

For when things Happen in My Life…its like things Happen on a Global Scale….and the Corrolation is really starting to…freak me Out…

 There are many of them but this is just One…So I was cleaning the Screens on the input hoses to the wash machine one day because they were clogged with Sediment…and the washer took forever to fill….I washed them out and put them back on….But forgot to put the drain hose back in the darn hole….So I started the Machine…and was doing things around the house and I thought gee that water sounds Loud and went into the wash area….and OMG….10 gallons of water GUSHING on the Floor…its Like Crap…Like I don’t have enough to do……So i run and get towels and a Mop and Cleaned it all up…took a good Hour if Not More…so I go to take a Break and I usually never watch the news but for some reason current world news was on my computor….and there was A Huge flood on the News and I thought Yeah I can relate to that looks like the One I just cleaned UP….But I thought nothing of it…But the More things that happen here the more they are connected on a Global Scale…and I ask the Lord…what am I seeing….why is this Happening,,,why,why,why…it just started getting way to coincidental…and his reply was if you see the answer why do you ask the Question……Answers like that make me Crazier than I already am…You know…?

I hear Micheal say…

You can take the Girl out of Evil…But you cannot take the Evil out of A the Girl…

That they must do themselves..So I wrote (person) But that was not how I heard it so I changed it Back…to (girl).and NO Girls are not Evil that was just a direct quote to me Not a attack on any Gender…

and I said…if I am from God then what is My ultimate purpose…?…again the words were heard Clearly…You are not from God You are Of GOD…I understand it… but am still trying to wrap my brain around it….you know…

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