Make your own Decision…On our Alien Control….


The first 2 are a prelude to this beginning….These are all Good do not make judgements….. until you watch them to the end….

















Watch the next one to the end…or it is misleading…


Make Absolutely NOOOO Mistake there are Aliens here……Seeing is Believing…I know of 2…personally….and they may be alot of things but they are not your friends…As God as My Witness…People…I have nothing to gain by this statement except ridicule…..we are the second citizens…and servants….Entities are every where…and this world is sooo blind that it just freaks me out…I feel like I am walking in Alice and Wonderland…..I see threw ALL those who think they are above others and the fact is…There are many life forms in this world…That you don’t see…They are l like the Chameleon…with a transparent….Blend into the back ground effect…I’m not talking about the little guys…I’m talking 10-12 feet tall…and incredibe hard to see…Gee the things we can see you almost have to put on a persons Nose….until they so Oh yeah know I see it…So with that and the Hypnotic Stare….Well…not much chance for the average person…You must Gain Vibrational control and open the Third eye to see a cross dimensional…

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