I am very disturbed by what I SEE…I was a Movie junkie and Loved to watch a good Movie..of any Kind….Now I am just Horrified….With the Torcher and Myhem feed to US…nothing but underlaying control no enjoyment anymore…I hope everyone Starts seeing the TRUTH…of this Brain washing..Subliminal  effect…and Demonistic Collusion to ATTACK YOU….As I write this…I look at the Spelling of Collusion…many times and struggle to get it right spelling it calution,colution and the version listed…These things are a glitch in the Matrics so to say…Yes I do misspell …But anyways continueing on…

Programs like Charmed are extremely Dangerous…I use to like the novelty of the show but see the TRUTH of it now…Any idiot that thinks you are going to rationalize working with a Demon and that they are going to do good with Evil is LIEING TO YOURSELF…This is the LIE feed to our younger naive audience,to get them to rationalize it being OK to dabble with this Evil…it is not OK…PLAYING RUSSIAN ROULETTE with your SOUL and a fully loaded gun is NOT OK…

That in some Warped way you are going to be able to control a DEMON…IT’s just A TOTAL LIE and FALLACY….Like saying you can control a land slide or a Train wreck or an Erupting Volcano….You cannot get fresh fruit from a rotting choice…UNDERSTAND…Evil cannot produce Good things…PERIOD…Doing bad things to make good things happen is the same result…it is not going to happen…Like saying poisoning the water is good for you aka (Flouride)…

IN THE END…EVIL BEGETS EVIL….As most of our  pharmaceutical medications are a prime example…Yes you got rid of the toe nail fungus..Because your Damn Toe fell off…lol…. but now your liver is destroyed and you will Die…But we have another pill for that….Stop looking at the rash and stay out of the Poison Ivy of Evil…..Sorry off track But this world has spiraled into a hole of hell…and their is a ton to cover….Spiril is another word…I believe it is suppose to be Spirial…Anywaysss…

Ah since my update spiril changed to Spiral….???


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