We ALL want things…immediately…in this World with no Patience…and all say sure take your time..But could you Hurry UP….
Opening your Third Eye can be Done over Night…But I highly recommend Against it….
This Third Eye perception…is suppose to be Nurtured and opened with wisdom…You don’t Rip Open a carton of eggs…or you are going to have a Mess…..
Going from simple Math to Advanced Algebra is Just going to confuse you and cause Headaches…
This is essentially A TUNING FORK for information…in your HEAD…But if it comes in to fast all your going to get is garbled information…And the Danger of someone Planting a Virus into your input…or your controllers Chipping you…..
What you see in this Dimension is NOT REALITY…98% is ALL Crap…and a Diversion from the Reality of your TRUTH……What does that Mean…?….Hhhmmm it is not like But IS…the same as wearing Virtual Reality Glasses…it is Exactly the SAME…
This is why they have calcified your Third Eye with Chemicals and Toxins…I don’t like to speak out of turn…or guess as to the Objective….But I am ABSOLUTELY SURE….What you are Experiencing is Not FULL Reality….
The Closest Analogy I can imagine is This is an Amusement Park…and you are the maintenance workers….or Maybe the Robots that take care of it… would be a Better description….
The Purity of seeing your own reality….would Probably cause you to go into Shock..It would be More then your Mind could Handle…send you into a Catatonic state…of Paralization and you would Probably Die…or Become a Vegetable…in the Reality of Truth not the Projected reality…YOU SEE….
WOW we are so far off the Grid…I spend ALL my time Explaining…because if I don’t tell you were all the nuts and Screws go you will never be able to put it all together AGAIN…..
OUR existence has Been WARPED….TRUE HUMANE BEINGS….are just that HUMANE…notice how our name has been changed from Humane beings to =Human beings…It didn’t happen yesterday this has been Generations… of Altering DNA structure and Deep Subliminal Programming to Achieve such a MESS…
WE ARE ALL GENIUSES…..But with the Calcification of this third EYE have become Slave Labor…The term… to smart for your own good comes to mind…You know why Olympic Champions….ARE Olympic Champions…???…Because they turn OFF the WORLD…and Focus on sharpening ONE SKILL…WE are ALL Olympic Champions…But very few have this Ability to Turn OFF this Huge Garbage Dump of information we are ALL drowning in….So there is so much confusion you can’t Focus…To truly Be AMAZING…
99.8% of everything you know is Based on a Physical Plain…We are Carbon and Crystalline…The Crystalline half is what has been Hidden..from the Carbon half…Virtually to non-existence…And DNA alterations have been push us closer to Monkeys then to Light…This is what the Bible talks about ..that you can be grafted in…Even with your DNA Alteration…Your Gene’s….Your Birth certificate…??? This is nothing more then Your Pedigree papers of what Kind of Dog you are and Nothing More…IT IS The Base reason for Bigotry and Hatefulness between cultures..To keep US divided and these Strains Pure…of each Breed…Which as you see has Not worked very well…We are all starting to cross Breed…This has sent a Panic…threw the whole controlling development of a Good Dog to pull a Sled so to say….NOW WE ARE IN THE GENOCIDE of World Domination…This is why they want you to trace back your Genealogy…NOT FOR YOU…for them…To euthanize the Bad Dogs…understand…?….OHHH See where your From and who your great,great,great,great,great..grandfather was….This is not to help YOU but is to help Them LABEL YOU…Weed out the traits they want to eliminate…and Presto…you will contract a deadly disease…that will kill you…YOU DO NOT GET DEADLY DISEASES…YOU ARE GIVEN THEM….understand…?…We are living in a Society…of Benedict Arnolds…bought and Paid for with there own Greed…That are patted on the Back that they are Smarter then those they choose to coral and Wipe Out…That they are Lucky that they are not one of the Cattle…But the Pure Reality is..They are ALL UNCLE TOMS…to our Existence…and Evolution…of our Crystalline structure…This is what has to be Hidden…The few that have harnessed this Power are using it against their own People…in so many ways its Just despicable…a Pandora’s Box From Hell….So if you can’t get the Higher morality of integrity to intercede….or betray……………what do you do…???…you start going down the chain till you find someone WHO WILL…………NOW..we are in a Fight for Survival…against THUGS with technology…far beyond anything imaginable…Teleportation is 100% Real its Not a Guess its FACT…Nerolizers are Real…its not a Guess its Fact…Spiritualism is Real…its not a Guess its Fact….And what is Spiritualism…???..It is the Ability to control Dimensional reality of your Crystalline Base…Our Crystalline Base is ALL connected…to ONE LIFE…if you can call it that…It is beyond carbon Life to the Purity of a Crystalline light…or maybe a better description would be the Crystalline remote carbon existence…Which is Boundless Power…Beyond our ability to control…It takes a Life time to learn it…Which then reverses Life…into Everlasting Life…YOU THINK…THERE FOR YOU ARE……
SO as a Child…we are all on a beach… of informational Crystalline Existence…The Term you can be anything you want in life comes to mind…So if we were to all Start again…as a child in the Womb…Your Crystalline life learns before you are out of the Womb-Born…This Spark is fully developed…it is the Carbon half that is not…….So we can label it a Soul or a Entity…But it is the Crystalline base..or life in Light…A Presents,,, not a Being…type of existence….So as a Child if we could start sorting the grains of sand on the beach to build our own Castles of Existence…We would all understand at least a bucket of sand in this dimensional Force so that we could Guide it and use a speck of it…Essentially a Genie in a Bottle…I would say like a miniature God in a Bottle But that is Blasphemes…Their is a GOD…that we all belong too….We are all Part of Him…And see that’s were it becomes tricky….( ALL ) created….Twins…to guide Existence…by his side…But these Twins of Light – Angelic students…Started believing they were Smarter then the Teacher…and All though God can do anything he did not create Identical Twins but created..a Reflection of his Own Light…Which can never burn brighter then the TRUE LIGHT FROM WHICH IT CAME…I can’t imagine…How our Lord deals with such a Lie onto itself…I really can not comprehend…What it must be like to see your own reflection betray you…Yes we have all been betrayed….BUT NOT BY OUR OWN REFLECTION IN THE MIRROR…understand….This is what has taken Place….Time has no meaning in this Crystalline Spectrum…of pure energy…yesterday was 30 billion years ago…and tomorrow could make it 60….So Wisdom is The Big Key in Light…To see before ,after and in sync…So this Resonation of his reflection …Was Pure and Good…Then decided to become the Teacher..instead of the Student…NOT POSSIBLE….You cannot become All unless you Extinguish his Flame…and you cannot extinguish that which YOU ARE…or you are standing behind the target you are shooting…I can only surmise…the Student believes he is Smarter then the Teacher…and is essentially a Fool lost in the Truth of his own existence he has created…If you kill the Beginning…There is NO END…of what never Began…This Cannot be Done…By a Reflection…understand…The reflection of a Light cannot stop the Light….impossible…Only the True Light can Stop the Existence of the Reflection…..This is the Meaning of ( ALL )…of which we ARE…………….
So back to The Third Eye and The Crystalline Realm…I am 58 years old…of 58 life’s….I have seen this ALL before…But this is the First time I have ever Broken the LOOP…of Existence…to Step from were I am to were I WILL TO BE…its all a Merry-Go-Round…unless you get off from it….I am Eternal in My Fathers FLAME…I cannot be killed or Extinguished…only my Carbon half will Pass…To begin Again….and until you reach this step off the Merry-Go-Round…It will continue in a endless Crystalline cycle to infinity…You cannot be Greater then you are…If you ( ARE ) not greater then you WILL to become…
Sorry I keep skipping off.. but when I hear the Light I have to write it down…I have Stepped into the Light…and am no longer chained by Death…Nor do I Fear it…But will be sad to leave it…There is nothing like a Carbon base connection…in the Fabric of Time…it gives you an endless amount of touch deeply to your Spirit Physically as One…And the ability…of two Spiritual Sparks that come together to create a 3rd…Spark in the Kingdom of ( ALL )…-God…This is the Echoing Frequency…that expands or contracts to the himself…But only grows…either way…It is why the Term Love is the Greatest POWER on Earth….For it cannot Die or Be Killed…it can Only Grow….understand….
So when you open this third eye…it is Equivalent to opening a door in a Pitch black room…with white light on the other side…just a crack is sooo Blindingly Bright…and hard to accept…So swinging the door wide open is not going to help..But only over whelm you…And the shadows that surround YOU…can and will Influence…your direction to put you back on the Merry-Go-Round…So if I see the positivity light up the room with just a crack…Then Accept it and Learn From it until you can SEE MORE IN THE LIGHT…For if you Yank the Door OPEN…Your Perception of what is negative vibration and What is positive Vibration will be Blinding….and you will start accepting negative — thinking it is Positive….YOU cannot get a Positive OUTLOOK from a Negative INPUT…SO I CAUTION EVERYONE….TIME = Truth In Me Exists…take the crumbs of Enlightenment Slowly…So you know in your Heart what you are getting…If you listen to a Carbon base existence…THAT IS WHAT YOU WILL HAVE AND SEE…if you listen to a Crystalline Existence…Then you will Step into the LIGHT…Ripples of TRUTH in Time only Affect the Greed of Carbon Base Life…… Not Crystalline…It’s why we are constantly poisoned with it… by Starvation,,, Chemical,,, or Technology…and have the Fear of Death ground into our Souls…To Fan the Flames of this Greed…In your Control and Slavery…
In this world…Those that think they are Smart…Are all served a Sandwich of Ignorance…With the word ( Truth ) written on it…But the fine print on the bottom says; The TRUTH will become your worse Nightmare in the LIES you Believe…and you will spend your whole Life… trying to hide your Lies…In the Cage you built for yourself…Remember this…When YOU sell your Integrity and Morals for Riches..It will cost YOU – TWICE what you have to buy it Back…not twice what you sold it for
Trying to Cheat at Enlightenment…and Spiritual Power…???…Will keep bringing you back to the first page of the Book…YOU WERE TO LAZY TO READ…
The most Dangerous Place in the World to your Crystalline Base… is The Internet…or WEB OF LIES…Hhhmmm sounds Kinda coincidental…You can be any Demonic Force you want too in your bedroom and travel the World…Sucking the Life out of Crystalline Base Existence…This is FACT…again with Proof…as always…This Seduction to your carbon Base is a Drug that will suck the Life right out of your Crystalline Spirit…I actually get Physically Sick now…from it…I am on a Very High Frequency Band width that just really absorbs way too much…And this Subliminal Toxin they are pumping directly into your Brain is Extremely Dangerous…to put it mildly…AWAKEN YOUR SENSES…You won’t let your children watch Horror Movies or extreme Violence on TV…But you will do it yourself…Do you not SEE…IT IS JUST AS BAD FOR YOU…AS IT IS FOR THEM…I don’t think ANY of US needs a Degree in Common Sense to figure that out..
My Transition into the Light…has taken many Life Times…I AM NOT PERFECT…I use to enjoy watching Blood and Gore….Now I feel Ashamed to Admit it…
But one Day I woke up and Seriously asked Myself…Is this REALLY ANY GOOD FOR ME…Has My MIND become so Poisoned..That I am enjoying…SEEING OTHERS SUFFER…???…The More I asked Myself that question…The Less I enjoyed it…
When the GOOD GUYS are made the BAD GUYS and When the BAD GUYS are the GOOD GUYS…Ask yourself… What exactly are they trying to teach me…in this World..???
What…?… how to Become a GOOD MONSTER…?…
and those Who are MONSTERS to Laugh together, at those who AREN’T…???
OHHH You just can’t handle it…!!!…YEAH YOUR RIGHT…
I don’t want to handle it..ITS BAD FOR ME…and… ITS BAD FOR YOU…WAKE THE F*CK UP…!!!

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