The Truth The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth…

So as I analyze our world I think of the Movie..Dream Catcher…If you remember the Creature portrayed as some…World dominating monster from Hell…with his snake pet…like a dog attacking people with all The Teeth… But then I think of these other Aliens…That kill their own Kind because they are a different color…and experiment on their own Species kill without hesitation and destroy worlds like they are garbage dumps and then move on..???..They have Pets with teeth that will ripe you to sheds…And they drink the lactation of this furry creature…like its gold and make weird types of food with it…..and when the creature gets old they chop it up and eat it too……And if its edible…They will kill it and eat it..No matter what ET says he will be Barbequed…some of them even eat each other….And most of them take weird chemicals that make them crazy and A Lot of them kill themselves with the stuff..They put metal in there Skin and grind colors into their skin…And kill each other for what they have….Poison there own food and water….and if thats not bad enough…SELL THE MASSES…chemicals that do not cure there sicknesses but only the symptoms,,and create new ones….. make up these sick nightmarish stories..about every other Creature……. so anyone that doesn’t understand them….kills them….As they Paint a picture of them drinking everyones Blood in some goury story of Torcherous Death……….YESSSS I AM TALKING ABOUT THE HUMAN RACE….WE ARE THE DISEASE….BELIEVE IT…..IT SICKENS ME TO SEE WHAT MEDIA HAS DRIVEN US TOO….I Praise the Lord that I am not a Human Being …….But am a Humane…Being which is far different….I have this sicknesss that cares about ALL LIFE…….and MY EYES OPEN MORE each day…..WE ARE…. THE PUTRIDE, HATEFUL, DEATH, OF THIS WORLD…not an Alien species.we are the alien Species…OF DEATH AND DISTRUCTION…THE HORRORS WE LAY AWAKE AT NIGHT AND TRY NOT TO SEE…..IT IS US….!!!…..I have contacted Many different Species in this world.Well ITS there world not ours…WE ARE THE Minority…WE ARE INVADERS THAT DESTROY ALL Life WE TOUCH…..Then paint this sick picture of invaders to there own world as Monsters..WE ARE THE MONSTERS ….!!!….NOT THEM….!!!…..I have finally had a full awakening..we live in a Trans Dinensional World and they are not here…. we are….and we are fucking up this Planet….!!!… This is not our world it is Gods and we are destoying it…..DO YOU UNDERSTAND…!!!……..And Lord have Mercy…why wouldn’t they want to kill us…???….REALLY….???? …WE ARE SO BLOOD THIRSTY IT MAKES ME SICK…LOOK AT 95% of ALL the Movies…..If someone or something isn’t being Killed I would be Shockingly Surprised…..I Mean Really LOOK AT WHAT THEY ARE PUMPING INTO OUR HEADS….????….SO if you wonder why Trans dimensional Beings aren’t skipping up to meet you it is because they are Afraid you are going to kill them or eat them….DO YOU BLAME THEM…???….FAIRY TALES ARE REAL….Lets get that straight..its not make believe are you with me…..???…if you cannot grasp this then just forget we ever met….

NOOOO I’m not Freaking Out….Just opening MY EYES…when will you….???…We ALL skip threw this world thinking we are a bunch of HOT SHOTS…. and the TRUE REALITY IS…WE ARE MANIPULATED SLAVES NOT THE COOL BUNCH WE ALL THINK WE ARE….YOU REALLY NEED TO DIG DEEP…..EVERY HORRIBLE THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED IN YOUR LIFE WAS NOT YOUR CHOICE….It is the vibration of pain and stress that these other entities feed on….AND drive you too…to eat a delicious meal, of banquet pure-portion’sss….These Trans Dimensional Beings are ALL around US..Look up Invisible Hypnosis..To understand this…..They are being controlled by our SO called friends and that is too control US…The image you see of People is just that…an Image…it is not real..we do not look like what you the Mirror…….That is FACT….And I have only seen My own true image By chance…and it is not what I see in the mirror… a matter of fact I didn’t even know it was me……. till days later that it clicked…that OMG that isn’t a picture of another Being….!!! it is a picture OF ME….!!!….What we look like Really has no Bearing on Life in this world BUT HOW WE TREAT EACH OTHER DOES……And sadly enough it is extremely Poorly….We could be so far ahead of this Garbage Pit Society…of Propaganda….Its Mind Blowing….If you teach your Race nothing but Lies and Hatred….What could you possible believe you would end up with in the END…???….

We Have the wrapper of EVERYTHING….SO BURN’T INTO OUR BRAINS….we don’t care whats inside….THINK ABOUT THAT….Since the day we are born we judge everything by the way it looks…not the way it tastes or if it is good for you…That Applies to those we Associate with…TOO….What happened to MORALS AND INTEGRITY….or the Simple Word …TRUST….

These words are NON-EXISTENT….They Are the Key to Evolution…of LIFE…in any form….Maybe I am OLD FASHION…..But I think Practical Jokes….are Hideous….Hurting someones feelings and thinking it is funny….Because You Lied to them….wow….really….and I can’t say I haven’t laughed about some of them but the reality is they are cruel and inhumane..that is just A Fact…And everyone thinks these things are OK…Their Not..They are just a Warped Emotional Level of Cruelity that Society told you was Funny….SO if you think Emotional Torcher of other People is funny…You really need to let others play them on YOU….if they are so funny….

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