AHHH Your Just a Genius JAE..!!!…LOVED IT…BROTHER…..AS Everyone runs to get the cold and Flu Shot…!!!…. When will you STOP letting them inject you with deadly antibodies and DNA MUTATIONS and KILLERS…???…This is Back to culling the HERD…The Poor are of no Controlling Entities…Our world is and was traded for the Technology we now take for granted…Acceptable losses…by the wealthy of no Moral or Integrity Value of Life…..Hey we will give you a remote for your TV for 10 People…OHHH OK sounds fair…In this…Agreement made over 100 years Ago to turn a Blind EYE to the disappearance and Kidnapping of People…By those Above US…It was suppose to be just the…Uuummm POOR and Worthless…Cute Hey….But they are not caring WHO they take on a Lower Level Now…SOOOO Many have and are Disappearing… that were not important enough to raise an EYE about 50 years ago…LISTEN…!!!…This Virus has been being Used as a Systematic way to get People out of the WAY….FOR A LONG TIME…I know of Many Murders Commited with it…Being Diagnosed as Pneumonia…It infects the sinus cavity like a Sinus infection…If you sleep on your Back…it will run into your Lungs and Drown you… in your own Mucus..And they will Stamp on your certificate..Pneumonia…or something along these Lines……..PLEASE SEE…What IS BEING DONE….Why do you think…You are put into a room Alone…before doctors even come in…???…This MASS STROBING and Microwaving with Vibrasional Programming has been going on For So Long to you…You don’t even SEE it anymore…I remember it like it was Yesterday….I saw it being done to another Patient…with a Cell Phone…Strobing the Person 6 inches from his FACE…With a cell Phone and programming words being stated to him…I said to the Doctor..WTF WERE YOU JUST DOING…!!!,,,Flashing this SH*T..Right into this Persons EYES…and I F*cking caught them…AT IT…The reply was What do you MEAN…I just wanted to Bash his Brains OUT….WTF do you mean what am I Talking ABOUT…I SAW WHAT YOU WERE DOING TO HIM…!!!…Well they Quickly Dismissed me and Disappeared…into the Hallways…of this Human Veterinarian Clinic – Hospital..Of OUR IGNORANT TRUST..People this was like watching a Nerolizing seen from Men in Black Indentical senario…I was in a Wing wondering around looking for someone else…That’s how I tripped over this Situation…. .It’s part of your Slavery…It’s Bad enough…They are taking 80% of your Pay in the first place for Necessities..-heat, electric, food,health insurance that never covers the amount of your care.. ETC…But now they are taking the Last 20% too…Making you Healthy…Has absolutely NO JOB SECURITY…or PROFIT…WHY DON’T THEY CALL IT WHAT IT IS..( HEALTH CARELESSNESS )…….With this new world order and Virus…If you are a Smoker…it doubles the effect of this Virus…The sucking draw on a cigarette…Just pours this Liquid right out of your sinus cavity and down your Throat into your Lungs…Your next Diagnosis will be COPD or some other Shoveling of Lieing Crap…But don’t worry… Here’s a portable carry along inhaler Chemical Cocktail machine with a mix you can inhale right into your Lungs…So you can Breath Better…HORSE SH*T…..The next Nail in your coffin..and payment plan….Remember when they use to give you a mask to wear at the Hospital if you had a Cold…???….THINK…and SEE…what is Taking Place..COLD MY ASS….NOT COLD—-CULLING….and then this new Flu shot crap came out shortly after…LISTEN…!!!…F*CKING LISTEN… A 100% MILITARY Application…People are Screaming How DEADLY IT IS….FDA=F*cking Dumb Aliens…= US……Your Just not seeing it…Humans are the set up Labor for their Luxury……SO if you hear about My ARREST with a HACK SAW at THE BOTTOM of ONE OF THESE 5G TOWERS FROM HELL YOU KNOW WHY…!!!….Teleportation is 100+10% Real..If you Doubt me ask the thousands that were talking to someone right behind them and they turned around and THEY WERE GONE………This is Why this 5G was Created….If you have been to the Doctor or the Dentist…it is a certainty YOU ARE CHIPPED…and cataloged…TO AN ON LINE WEB SIGHT….caught the slippery Bast*rds…using it on Me yesterday…and looking me up…GET THIS…While I was delivering $30,000 dollars…to them..ain’t that a Bitch…!!!…But My word and Vow is unbreakable…and Believe me…I am in Financial Stress with all these financial assaults against me daily at every business and that would of made the difference…I am VOWED to HONESTY and LOVE…and will not forsake my word to OUR LORD…For any amount….If anyone believes I am not offered bribes daily…Your a NIT-WITT….I can walk away and live with every wish I want granted…Lord have Mercy don.t even want to think about it…I have a life that is far below good…Honest to GOD…But…I will not break my Vow in his Destiny for me…………….HERE IS THE TRUTH…..NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY OR DO…OR HOW DEADLY THIS 5G ISSSSS WHICH THEY HAVE PROOF OF.. AND KNOW 100% IT IS SUPER DEADLY…THEY ARE GOING TO USE IT AGAINST YOU…PERIOD……My Belief is will be used to teleport YOU to the CERN TUNNEL…and then to another Planetary System with mind wipe…included free of charge…Teleportation is done into my home daily…If you question if this is done in your home…usually a cold draft is caused by this displacement…and I have videos of it…Unless I am mistaken you have a password on your Chip your Primary controller….You can be controlled to a degree by hand signs..But to have full control they have to access your profile Chip…Case in Point…The money I delivered was to My….so called Sister….which I haven’t spoken to for 10-20 years..for obvious reasons…The money was from my mother to her….she passed about 5 years ago,,,and I completed My Oath to her…….My so called Family…were My Controllers….Let everyone SEE ME…and if I was A DOG in this Lifetime….Then I pray to GOD…I was a GOOD DOG…and believe from his daily blessings I always was… ALL(men)


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