THOTH and the Mayan Calender

I’m having a real Problem with the Emerald Tablets….When things sound to good to be True…THEY ARE…and are simply Lies of deception…The whole sales pitch sounds Great……That isn’t the problem….What ISSSSS….is that this was written in a supposed unknown foreign language….I write Poetry…my self…and if anyone knows anything about anything with Poetry….

IT is…. that ANY languages to English or TO ANOTHER DO NOT RHYME…Period….It just does not translate to a Poetic Rhyme in anyway shape or form…???…

SO What am I reading  or HEARING HERE….???…


and what exactly is the composite of these indestructible Tablet…???…So I want you to be aware of this HUGE FLAW…in these Tablets…For they have a very Poetic Rhyme to them and that is IMPOSSIBLE it is a HUGE RED FLAG OF DECEPTION…from another Language…TO ANY LANGUAGE…in either direction…It just does not HAPPEN….So I strongly caution…do not see past ONE LIE to believe ANOTHER… OK..

So again I enter an Update…I Believe and see…this Direction….its all A big shovel of Horse Shit…99.9% of it…Just Nonsense…One Paragraph is True…

This is a Time Lock…That cannot be Opened……Nor can it be broken…with technology…it is beyond technology…This is the Goal…is to Open this Lock…They(Evil) is not sharing these tablets…to enlighten Anyone.It’s all candy coated…LIES….They are searching for this Key…It is beyond technology…I am just….SO BLOWEN AWAY with AMAZEMENT…by this design…ITS TRULY…UNBREAKABLE….and Knowing this…ONLY ONE COULD POSSIBLY CREATE…Such Beauty Beyond Comprehension……that cannot be stolen…or picked with technology…understand…
They have tried to preformed the Ritual but are doing it wrong… but it would not matter if they preformed it Right..It’s not going to Open…
The Key is the Lock and The Lock is the Key…
Truly The Beautification of Perfection…
And there is ONLY ONE…
That could Possible Design Such PERFECTION
Again I am cautioned…of My Vow…
When I listened to Thoth… I choked on the format design right from the start…Like I have said Many times…I SEE ALL…and sometimes it takes awhile…( or maybe Michaels kick in the leg :)…I am his Servant…and sometimes I read and Listen…But do not Hear…and each second of everyday…I hear another letter…of his word…To Bless My Path…Trust in the Faith…of his LOVE…not in the Belief of your Faith…To Trust….
This is LOCKED By Our Creators hand…
Cern can open a Trans dimensional Door way…. but cannot unlock a Prison made By GOD…to hold Evil

I do not believe even Michael has the Ability to Open this Portal Lock..( and it is not a portal lock but I have no other way to put it ).I have not asked him,,,nor would I…it is not of My Vow to know such things…But I do know…it is a one way Lock…Nothing goes IN or Out…Relativity is Frozen…like a Sleep…Forever…with Jagged Rocks on Top…:)…understand…

Since the Force of Evil cannot be killed… it can only be Contained…

But this Perplexes Me….for the Bible says ..( IT ) will Rein again…and I do not understand how this can BE…
Unless he must be released to end the following of …LIES from his LIPS…trapped in time..
Like a crib note that was passed before the door was shut…

I do not believe the Echo can cross into this Abyss …or back…So it is the Echo of the Past… that has resonated threw time to bring what is.. in this deception…

as Misery grows from following Lies of False Hopes…

Thoth & The Emerald Tablets: A Demon In Sheep’s Clothing

Thoth & The Emerald Tablets: A Demon In Sheep’s Clothing
By Steven Bancarz –
October 10, 2015

By Steven Bancarz| Thoth is probably the most popular of all Egyptian gods, especially within the domains of metaphysics and the New Age movement. He is depicted as being charismatic, a bringer of wisdom, and a teacher here to help us understand the mysteries of the universe. Before we talk a little bit more in depth about the role this god plays in the spirit world in our day, let’s take a brief look at his attributes according to Egyptian mythology.

Thoth is an Egyptian god of of science, religion, philosophy, astrology, alchemy, magic, and is the judge of souls in the afterlife. He is the god of All Knowledge, is the supreme creator in some Egyptian myths, and is often depicted as having the head of a Ibis or a Baboon. He invented the rules of sacrifice and is the author of the Book of Thoth, which is a collection of magic spells and rituals so powerful that it had to be hidden away. In fact, according to mythology he taught the goddess of magic Isis everything she knows.
Thoth is credited with writing some of the spells in Egyptian Book of the Dead, and serves as the official scribe in the Hall of the Dead. Thoth has many different roles in Egyptian mythology, but his main claims to fame are being a The God of Knowledge and Magic.
Hermes Trismegistus is a combination of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth, and is a name that is sometimes used interchangeable with Thoth. Because of this, the two gods were worshipped as one in what had been the Temple of Thoth in Khemnu, which the Greeks called Hermopolis.
In this article we are going to look at Thoth as an independent entity from Hermes as he is known in Egyptian mythology and was known by them for hundreds if not thousands of years before Greek mythology arose, and will save the topics of Hermeticism and The Hermetica for another article.
Now that we have a little background information, let’s take a deeper look into Thoth to see if he is as benevolent as the New Age makes him out to be. First, let’s look at his most popular writings in the Emerald Tablets.
The Emerald Tablets
The Emerald Tablets are a series of writings that were given to us by Thoth which were apparently written on a material created through an alchemical process. Nobody has seen all of these tablets. Only one exists in its original form, and the Emerald Tablets (as a textual body) are generally considered to be channeled material given to man by Thoth.
They talk about everything from ancient history, to alchemy, to metaphysics, with the main objective being to teach us about the Mysteries of the Universe so we may become unified with the Light. The Emerald Tablets are a staple for any New Ager aspiring to ascend to higher states of consciousness.
But upon closer inspection, these tablets actually depict the existence of fallen angels, Hell, and even Satan in ways that glorify them and are central to what they teach.
Fallen Angels

In the first tablet, Thoth talks about a group of wise beings called the Children of Light:
“Wise were we with the wisdom of the Children of Light who dwelt among us. Strong were we with the power drawn from the eternal fire.” (Emerald Tablet I). Who are these Children of Light that get their power from the eternal fire? According to the second emerald table, their story bears a striking similarity to the fallen angles:
“Far in a past time, lost in the space-time, the Children of Light looked down on the world. See the children of men in their bondage, bound by the force that came from beyond. Knew they that only by freedom from bondage could man ever rise from the Earth to the Sun. Down they descended and created bodies, taking the semblance of men as their own” (Emerald Tablet II: The Hall of Amenti).
So these Children of Light fueled by the eternal fire made a descent down to earth and created human-esque bodies taking the appearance of men. Let’s look at story of the fallen angels descending to earth in the Book of Genesis 6: 1-5:
“When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose…The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them”
It also sounds similar to the story of the fallen angels in the Book of Enoch: . “The Watchers look down from heaven and desire the daughters of men (6:1-8). They swear an oath to fulfill their desires and then descend, marry women, and defile themselves with women (7:1)”.
Or in the book of Jude in the Bible, where it says in verse 6 “And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation”. So the Bible tells us that the angels look down on human beings and fell to earth to fulfill lustful desires, and the Emerald Tablets tell us the “Children of Light” looked down on human beings and descended and took on human bodies.
In the very next line of the first Tablet, Thoth says “And of all these, greatest among the children of men was my father, THOTME, keeper of the great temple, link between the Children of Light who dwelt within the temple and the races of men who inhabited the ten islands”. Here we clear distinction between the Children of Light, fueled by the eternal fire, and the “races of men”.
The Children of Light are clearly non-humans who are incarnate in physical bodies and gain powers from this eternal fire. They apparently descended from the “space-time” and “ether” (ET IV) which personally makes me think of how the Bible refers to demons living within the “heavenly places” (Eph. 6:12) and Satan is said to rule from the “Kingdom of the air” (Eph 2:2).
These Children of Light (also referred to as the Brothers of Brightness) have the exact same story as the Great White Brotherhood (Ascended Masters), which I provided a strong case that they are demons in an earlier article. And they are spoken of as bringers of wisdom and teachers of the mysteries in the Emerald Tablets, and they have an eerie resemblance to the stories of fallen angles in the Bible and the Book of Enoch.

These Children of Light not only mirror the story of the fallen angels, an obvious reference to Hell is made in terms of the Halls of Amenti (where Thoth lives): “Deep in Earth’s heart lie the Halls of Amenti, far ‘neath the islands of sunken Atlantis, Halls of the Dead and halls of the living, bathed in the fire of the infinite ALL.” (Emerald Tablet II: Halls of Amenti)
“Then grew in the great space before me, flame after flame, from the veil of the night. Uncounted millions leaped they before me, some flaming forth as flowers of fire. Others there were that shed a dim radiance, flowing but faintly from out of the night. Some there were that faded swiftly; others that grew from a small spark of light. Each surrounded by its dim veil of darkness, yet flaming with light that could never be quenched.”
So in the Halls of Amenti in the heart of the earth is the Halls of the Dead and Living filled with souls burning with flames. Hell is referred to in the Bible as being the down in the “nether parts of the earth” in Ezekiel 31:16, and is always spoken of as a fiery eternal realm of torment that is deep beneath us, and the Halls of Amenti is referred to as an eternal place of fire and the Hall of the Dead “far ‘neath the earth crust”.
Here are some more references to the Amenti being a place of eternal fire deep in the earth: “Now for a time I go from among them into the dark halls of Amenti, deep in the halls of the Earth, before the Lords of the powers, face to face once again with the Dweller”. “Deep in Earth’s heart, the sons of Amenti heard, and hearing, directing the changing of the flower of fire that burns eternally, changing and shifting, using the LOGOS, until that great fire changed its direction”(Emerald Tablet I).
Within the first tablets explaining the history of Thoth, we have a very strong correlation to the stories of the fallen angels and a pit of fire filled with burning souls in the center of the earth. The ruler of Hell and the fallen angels in the Bible is Satan, but who is the ruler of Amenti?
Satan in the Emerald Tablets
It goes on to call Amenti “the underworld where the great king sits upon his throne” (Emerald Tablet I). Who is this great king? It says more about the highest authority in Amenti in the second tablet:
“First and most mighty, sits the Veiled Presence, Lord of Lords, the infinite Nine, over the other from each the Lords of the Cycles” (Emerald Tablet II). This is a possible reference to Satan. In Satanism, 9 is a number of Satan. Adding 666 together, you get 18. 1+8=9. 9 is a 6 upside down, which comprises the Number of the Beast. Satanic Forces work in variables of nine, for example there are 9 epochs, 9 ages, and 9 Satanic statements in the Satanic Bible. In the Satanic Bible, the word “Nine” is always capitalized.
According to the book “Numbers: Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues“ by W. W. Wescott, nine holds great significance among many Masonic orders and secret societies. He said, “There is a Masonic order of Nine Elected Knights in which nine roses, nine lights, and nine knocks are used.” In fact the number nine is the number of “the earth under evil influences”. Satanist Aliester Crowley stated that 9 is “most evil, because of its stability” (777 & Other Qaballistic Writings Of Aleister Crowley, p.43}.
Why does Thoth call the Lord of Lords the infinite Nine? Other possible references to Satan including the phrases “Sun of the morning” which is what Lucifer is called in the Bible, and the Lords of the World which Satan is called in the Bible. These two terms are sprinkled throughout the Emerald Tablets quite often. Jesus refers to Satan as being the ‘ruler of this world’ 3 separate times (John 12:31, 14:30, 16:11), and the Satanic Bible refers to Satan as the Lord of the Earth (pg 162). This is word for word what Satan is called in both the Bible and the Satanic Bible.
Thoth has a few conversations with He of Nine, including the following while he was in the halls of Amenti:
“Then asked I of the Nine: O Lord, show me the path. Give the path to the wisdom. Show me the way to the WORD. Answered, me then, the LORD OF THE NINE: Through ORDER, ye shall find the way. Saw ye that the WORD came from Chaos? Saw ye not that LIGHT came from FIRE?” (Emerald Tablet IX).
So according to the Lord of Lords located in the heart of the earth in the eternal fire, the Word and Light came from Chaos and Fire? This is all textbook Luciferian mysticism and Satanic philosophy. But surely some of the Emerald Tablets have to contain at least some wisdom, don’t they? After all, what about all the references to Light, Wisdom, Truth, and the All-One?
Luciferian philosophy

In Satanism and all Luciferian philosophies, Lucifer is thought to be the bringer and bearer of Light. He is the one who teaches us spiritual liberation through enlightenment. In the Satanic Bible in particular, Lucifer is called the “bringer of light” and “the morning star”. As Satanist, Freemason, and founder of the Theosophical Society Helena Blavatsky said on page 539 of her book The Secret Doctrine:
“Lucifer represents life, thought, progress, civilisation, liberty, independence. Lucifer is the Logos, the Serpent, the Saviour” and “It is Lucifer who is the God of our planet and the only God”, and she continues, “The celestial Virgin which thus becomes the Mother of Gods and Devils at one and the same time, for she is the ever loving beneficent deity, but in antiquity and reality, Lucifer or Luciferius is the name. Lucifer is the divine and terrestrial light, the Holy Ghost and Satan at one and the same time”.
Below is a prayer Thoth tells us to pray in Emerald Tablet IV, which is a textbook Luciferian prayer:
“Mighty SPIRIT of LIGHT that shines through the Cosmos, draw my flame closer in harmony to thee. Lift up my fire from out of the darkness, magnet of fire that is One with the ALL. Lift up my soul, thou mighty and potent. Child of the Light, turn not away. Draw me in power to melt in thy furnace; One with all things and all things in One, fire of the life-strain and One with the Brain.”
“Draw me in to melt in thy furnace”. Could this be a metaphor? I might have believed it’s a metaphor before discovering the blatant references to an underground of eternal fire in the center of the Earth ruled by the Nine and the Lords of the World. Now let’s compare this to a prayer within the Satanic Bible:
“O thou mighty light and burning flame of comfort!, that unveilest the glory of Satan to the center of the Earth; in whom the great secrets of truth have their abiding; that is called thy kingdom…Open the mysteries of your creation!” (The Satanic Bible, p. 264)
Sounds a little familiar. That’s because for Luciferians and Satanists, enlightenment through forbidden knowledge is the ultimate goal. The basic Luciferian principles highlight “truth”, freedom of will, and worship of the inner self. Through contemplation, occultic practices and prayers, magik, intellect, and understanding the Mysteries, you may ascend and become God-like. Lucifer/Satan is thought to be the true creator and the holder of all mysteries and bearer of cosmic “light” that will awaken our inner God-self.
You can also reach out to the ‘Masters’ (fallen angels) for divine guidance and wisdom to help you ascend to higher consciousness. The deeper your understanding of the Mysteries and the more time you dedicate to prayers, meditations, and rituals, the more god-like you will become until you reach unity with the “Light” and become immortal. This is the core essence of the teachings of the Emerald Tablets, and can be found in any Freemason temple and Satanic church. And this paradigm is a complete fraud, as will evidently be shown in future articles.
“Conclude us receivers of your mysteries; for why? Our Lord and Master is the All-One!” (The Satanic Bible, pg 186). With the Luciferian philosophy and references to fallen angels, hell, and Satan, we need to start questioning the real identity of Thoth. Let’s take a deeper look into things:
Thoth in Modern Satanism
Not only do the Emerald Tablets glorify the fallen angels, Satan, Lucerfianism, and Hell, Thoth is well-known within Satanism to be a demon-god. According to the Joy of Satan Ministries, Thoth is one of the most active demons and is a crowned prince in Hell:
“THOTH also known as “Hermes” [Greek], “Mercury” [Roman], “Tehuti,” “Ningishzidda,” and “Quetzalcoatl” [Central America].
Zodiac Sign: Gemini- Cancer
Tarot Card: 3 of Rods
Planets: Mercury, Moon
Candle Colors: Silver, Red
Metal: Mercury
Element: Air
*The above information was dictated from Thoth, personally.
Thoth is a very high-ranking and important Demon. He is one of the 7 sons of Satan. He is the most brilliant and intellectual of the Gods. He is very likable, extremely charismatic, and friendly. He is the busiest of all of the Demons and it can be difficult to get him to appear in a summoning unless one is of importance to him”. This is coming from a High Priestess in the Church of Satan, who claims to have been in contact with Thoth personally.
The Necronomicon (The Book of the Practices of the Dead), and The Simon Necronomicon are perhaps the darkest Satanic black magik books ever written. They are known for driving people into madness and it warns the readers that powerful forces of darkness will be unleashed if it’s not read in perfect sanity. I would post a picture of it here but I don’t want the symbol of the book cover contained within this article.
In his introduction, Simon Necronomicon describes a being called AZAG-THOTH in the following words:
“Although a list is appended hereto containing various entities and concepts of Lovecraft, Crowley, and Sumeria cross-referenced, it will do to show how the Editor found relationships to be valid and even startling. AZATOT is frequently mentioned in the grim pages of the Cthulhu Mythos, and appears in the NECRONOMICON as AZAG-THOTH, a combination of two words, the first Sumerian and the second Coptic, which gives us a clue as to Its identity. AZAG in Sumerian means “Enchanter” or “Magician”; THOTH in Coptic is the name given to the Egyptian God of Magick and Wisdom, TAHUTI, who was evoked by both the Golden Dawn and by Crowley himself (and known to the Greeks as Hermes, from whence we get “Hermetic”). AZAG-THOTH is, therefore, a Lord of Magicians, but of the “Black” magicians, or the sorcerers of the “Other Side”.
Asa (Aza) translates as “source” from ancient Egyptian, and Thoth is of course the Egyptian god. Ausaa-Thoth or Aasaa-Thoth is translated as “The source of Thoth” or “The intelligence of Thoth”. Azag-Thoth is referred to as being a Lord of Black magicians by the darkest book of spells and magik that we have available. This book was used as evidence in a Murder trial of Roderick Ferrel who tried to imitate a magic ritual in the book which involved human sacrifice to open the Gates of Ganzir (Hell). Thoth is even mentioned with the Satanic Bible.
On page 144 of the Satanic Bible, it gives you a passage to recite to invoke demons from the Pit of Hell to come forth and manifest desires in your life. These “infernal spirits” are literal beings that Theistic Satanists invoke through ritual, prayer and magik. It proceeds to list of all the possible Infernal Names you can choose from, some being very well know demons. In that list on page 146 is Thoth, the Egyptian god of magic. Magic is something practices very heavily by Theistic Satanists, and often involves blood sacrifice and the summoning of demons such as Thoth. They even regard the Egyptian god Set to Satan and worship him as such.
Satanist and the founder of the School of Theosophy, Helena Blavatsky, sums up Thoth as follows: “Hermes, the god of wisdom, called also Thoth, Tat, Set, and Sat-an; and that he was, furthermore, when viewed under his bad aspect, Typhon, the Egyptian Satan, who was also Set.” [Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled , Vol. I: Science, New York, Trow’s Printing and Bookbinding Company, 1877, p. 554, xxxiii.
Aleister Crowley, Thoth, & Magic
Someone obsessed with Egyptian magic was 33rd degree freemason and Satanist Aliester Crowley. He referred to himself as “The Beast 666” and once said ““I was not content to just believe in Satan, I wanted to be his chief of staff”. He was a famous occultist and magician who was heavily influenced by Thoth and Egyptian mythology. He openly admitted making blood sacrifice to demons, and said “For for nearly all purposes relating to magic, human sacrifice is the best.”- Chapter 12 of Of The Bloody Sacrifice: And Matters Cognate.
He was contacted by a supernatural being called Aiwass while in Egypt that taught him “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law”, which became the core principle in his religion and philosophy called Thelema. Crowley went on to write 6 books pertaining to magik and became obsessed with ceremonial and Egyptian magik. And just like other Satanists, he had a fascination with Thoth.
In fact, he wrote a book called “The Book of Thoth” which contains the Magik of Thoth and ancient Egypt. It also outlines the philosophy of his Thoth Tarot card deck that he created which he used for divination and magic.
One technique of magik Crowley strongly recommended was banishing. Banishing is a technique used by magicians to rid the space of forces that might interfere with the magic that is being performed. As Crowley says in his book Magik, Book 4 (ch.13):
In the banishing ritual of the pentagram we not only command the demons to depart, but invoke the Archangels and their hosts to act as guardians of the Circle during our pre-occupation with the ceremony proper…It is usually sufficient to perform a general banishing, and to rely upon the aid of the guardians invoked. […] “The Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram” is the best to use.
The “Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram” is a magic ritual used by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, which is an occultic sect based on the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus (Thoth). This ritual involves getting rid of spirits or “impure” forms of the elements from the magician’s circle by tracing Pentagrams in the air with a dagger, and by the power of certain Divine names followed by an invocation of spiritual forces to guard the Pentagram.
Why were magical practitioners of the teachings of Hermes under the impression that magic was best done by drawing Pentagrams and invoking spirits to protect it? Furthermore, why does the Hermetic Order today teach Crowley’s Satanic philosophy Thelema?
Thoth and human sacrifice

According to legend coming from channeled materials, Thoth started a colony in ancient Egypt at the beginning of Egyptian civilization after Atlantis sank after the fall of Atlantis roughly 10,000 years ago and was a high-priest there. This would mean that Thoth ruled over pre-dynistic and maybe even First Dynasty Egypt right at the start of their civilization. According to anthropologist Dr. Sasha Lessin, 3450 BC is when Thoth was ruler of Egypt. The only problem with this is that Thoth, the god of religion and ritual, ruled at the exact time when the Egyptians practiced human sacrifice.
According to an article published in National Geographic, human sacrifice is clearly demonstrated as existing during and before the First Dynasty by “retainers” (human servants) being buried near each pharaoh’s tomb so that they could go on into the afterlife to continue to serve the Pharaohs and royalty. And Thoth as the god of religion, rituals, and the high priest of Egypt, would have been overseeing this religious practice if this legend is true.
According to other legends of Thoth and an interview with Zecharia Sitchin, Thoth brought civilization to the Mayans and appeared to them in the form of Quetzalcoatl who was a feathered serpent that the Mayans made human sacrifices to. The method of sacrifice for Quetzacoatl was to cut someone open while they were alive, pull out their heart, and offer it up to Quetzacoatl.
Thoth also apparently helped start the Sumerian culture and was known to them as Ningishzida, a serpent god of the underworld. Sir Leonard Woolley was a excavator of the famous ancient Mesopotamian city of Ur in Sumeria. There, among hundreds of tombs, he found 16 elaborate ‘royal’ tombs, all containing human sacrificial victims that were stacked on top of each other, with numbers as high as over 70 human skeletons in a single tomb.
These tombs were known as the “Great Death Pits”, and were sometimes filled completely with dead human bodies as you can see from Woolley’s archaeological diagram of the pit on the right. What a strange coincidence, taking all things into consideration, that this god of religion and ritual who lives in the fire of the earth known to be a demon by Satanists helped establish three ancient cultures, all of which ritually practiced human sacrifice for religious purposes.
Thoth is not a fun, charismatic god of wisdom and magic

Contrary to how he is depicted in pop-culture and New Age teachings, Thoth is not some benevolent helpful Egyptian god here to teach us how to evolve our consciousness. The Emerald tablets glorify fallen angels, and speak about Thoth living in the eternal fire in the center of the Earth in the Halls of Amenti ruled “He of Nine”.
The Emerald Tablets are just about as Luciferian as it gets and are riddled with references the “eternal flames”, Satan, the “Masters” and contain demonic chants so mysterious that only God what demonic spirits they invoke. For example, in tablet X we see instructions from the Lords of Amenti:
“Hark ye, now man, this word I leave with thee. Use it and ye shall find power in its sound. Say ye the word: “ZIN-URU” and power ye shall find.
Or in Emerald Tablet VI, Thoth summons demon gods: “By their names I call them to aid me, free me and save me from the darkness of night: UNTANAS, QUERTAS, CHIETAL, and GOYANA, HUERTAL, SEMVETA–ARDAL. By their names I implore thee, free me from darkness and fill me with LIGHT”. Or in tablet XII: “Call thou on me when thou dost need me. Use my name three times in a row: Chequetet, Arelich, Volmalites.”
But it’s no secret that Thoth is a demon. He is known as a high-ranking demon and is conjured up by Satanists and is mentioned by name in Satanic magic books. He is mentioned as a demon of Satan in the Satanic Bible, and the black magician and Satanist Freemason Aliester Crowley dedicated a full book and tarot card deck to him.
Not to mention, the cultures he apparently helped start (according to legends passed around the New Age) all ritually practiced brutal human sacrifice. This is because Thoth, as a demon-god of ritual, magic, and the afterlife gains power from human sacrifice and ultimately wants all souls to be led into the Halls of Amenti in the eternal flames in the center of the earth. This is just demonic deception. I’ll let Thoth close off this article and make his departure: “Now I depart from ye into darkness. Now go I to the Halls of Amenti”.

Ignorance is BLISS….
Kudos Brother…
This has nothing to do with Enlightenment…or…Wisdom…
So if you believe that patting you on the Back…and telling you that you are Smarter then everyone ELSE…Because you can see this Naked LIE in Kings Cloths…Then you are still Blinded by Evil…Ephesians 5 and 6 are the Key…Deuteronomy 18:10-14…OPEN YOUR EYES…
The TRUTH will ring like a BELL…This Does Not…Lies stacked on top of Lies…
DO NOT make it TRUE…











Ab urbe condita literally means “from the founding of the City,” while anno urbis conditæ means “in the year since the City’s founding.” Therefore, the traditional year of the foundation of Rome, 753 BC, would be written AUC 1, while AD 1would be AUC 754. The foundation of the Empire in 27 BC would be AUC 727.







360-day calendar

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The 360-day calendar is a method of measuring durations used in financial markets, in computer models, in ancient literature, and in prophetic literary genres.

It is based on merging the three major calendar systems into one complex clock, with the 360-day year derived from the average year of the lunar and the solar: (365.2425 (solar) + 354.3829 (lunar))/2 = 719.6254/2 = 359.8127 days, rounding to 360.

A 360-day year consists of 12 months of 30 days each, so to derive such a calendar from the standard Gregorian calendar, certain days are skipped.

Ancient Calendars[edit]

Ancient calendars around the world initially used a 360 day calendar.


Romans initially used a calendar which had 360 days, with varying length of months.[1][2]


The Rig Veda describes a calendar with twelve months and 360 days.[3]


In the Mayan Long Count Calendar, the equivalent of the year, the tun, was 360 days.[4]


Ancient Egyptians also used a 360 day calendar. One myth tells of how the extra 5 days were added.

A long time ago, Ra, who was god of the sun, ruled the earth. During this time, he heard of a prophecy that Nut, the sky goddess, would give birth to a son who would depose him. Therefore Re cast a spell to the effect that Nut could not give birth on any day of the year, which was then itself composed of precisely 360 days. To help Nut to counter this spell, the wisdom god Thoth devised a plan.

Thoth went to the Moon god Khonsu and asked that he play a game known as Senet, requesting that they play for the very light of the moon itself. Feeling confident and that he would win, Khonsu agreed. However, in the course of playing he lost the game several times in succession, such that Thoth ended up winning from the moon a substantial measure of its light, equal to about five days.

With this in hand, Thoth then took this extra time, and gave it to Nut. In doing so this had the effect of increasing the earth’s number of days per year, allowing Nut to give birth to a succession of children; one upon each of the extra 5 days that were added to the original 360. And as for the moon, losing its light had quite an effect upon it, for it became weaker and smaller in the sky. Being forced to hide itself periodically to recuperate; it could only show itself fully for a short period of time before having to disappear to regain its strength.

[5] [6]

Financial use[edit]

A duration is calculated as an integral number of days between start date A and end date B. The difference in years, months and days are usually calculated separately:

{\displaystyle duration(A,B)=(B_{y}-A_{y})\times 360+(B_{m}-A_{m})\times 30+(B_{d}-A_{d});A\leq B}

There are several methods commonly available which differ in the way that they handle the cases where the months are not 30 days long, i.e. how they adjust dates:

European method (30E/360)[7][8][9][10][11]
If either date A or B falls on the 31st of the month, that date will be changed to the 30th.
Where date B falls on the last day of February, the actual date B will be used.
All months are considered to last 30 days and hence a full year has 360 days.
US/NASD method (30US/360)[12]
If both date A and B fall on the last day of February, then date B will be changed to the 30th.
If date A falls on the 31st of a month or last day of February, then date A will be changed to the 30th.
If date A falls on the 30th of a month after applying (2) above and date B falls on the 31st of a month, then date B will be changed to the 30th.
All months are considered to last 30 days and hence a full year has 360 days.
ISDA method[13][9][10][11]
If date A falls on the 31st of a month, then date A will be changed to the 30th.
If date A falls on the 30th of the month after applying the rule above, and date B falls on the 31st of the month, then date B will be changed to the 30th.
All months are considered to last 30 days except February which has its actual length. Any full year, however, always counts for 360 days.
BMA/PSA method[9][10][11]
If date A falls on the 31st of a month or last day of February, then date A will be changed to the 30th.
If date A falls on the 30th of the month after applying the rule above, and date B falls on the 31st of the month, then date B will be changed to the 30th.
All months are considered to last 30 days and hence a full year has 360 days.
Alternative European method (30E+/360)[9][11]
If date A falls on the 31st of a month, then date A will be changed to the 30th.
If date B falls on the 31st of a month, then date B will be changed to the 1st of the following month.
Where date B falls on the last day of February, the actual date B will be used.
All months are considered to last 30 days and hence a full year has 360 days.
360-day calendar implementation in spreadsheet functions
Package Function Variant
Microsoft Excel and StarOffice/ DAYS360 NASD, but not SIA-compliant[14][15][16]
YEARFRAC NASD and European
SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services Days360  
Mathworks Financial Toolbox days360 US/NASD
days360e European
days360isda ISDA
days360psa PSA
Gnumeric DAYS360  
Apple Numbers DAYS360 NASD and European
YEARFRAC NASD and European

See also[edit]


  1. ^ Stern, Sacha (2012). Calendars in Antiquity: Empires, States, and Societies. Oxford University Press. p. 208.
  2. ^ Plutarch. “Life of Numa”. The University of Chicago.
  3. ^ B.G., Sidharth (1999). The Celestial Key to the Vedas. p. 86.
  4. ^ “Maya Calendar Converter”Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian. 2015. Retrieved September 10, 2015.
  5. ^ “Earth’s Original 360-Day Year and Calendar” 2015. Retrieved 31 January 2019.External link in |work= (help)
  6. ^ “An ‘Ideal’ Earth Year of 360 Days?”Keith Hunter, Ancient World Mysteries. 2015. Retrieved 31 January 2019.
  7. ^ ISMA book “Bond Markets: Structures and Yield Calculations”, ISBN 1-901912-02-7, and ISMA’s Circular 14 of 1997
  8. ^ 2006 ISDA Definitions, Sec. 4.16 (g)
  9. Jump up to:a b c d
  10. Jump up to:a b c “Archived copy”. Archived from the original on 2016-04-25. Retrieved 2016-03-25.
  11. Jump up to:a b c d Accrual & Discounting Conventions
  12. ^ Standard Securities Calculation Methods, Fixed Income Securities Formulas for Price, Yield, and Accrued Interest: Volume 1, 1993, Jan Mayle, New York, NY: Securities Industry Association, ISBN 1882936019
  13. ^ 2006 ISDA Definitions, Sec. 4.16 (f)
  14. ^ See Microsoft Kb Article 916004. This bug is present in Excel versions 97 through 2007. This can be demonstrated by evaluating DAYS360(DATE(2006,2,28), DATE(2007,2,28)); here years starting and ending on the last day in February only have 358 days.
  15. ^ Open Office is also not SIA-compliant, to maintain Excel compatibilitySee Issue 84934 — ODFF: DAYS360 compliance
  16. ^ OpenOffice Documentation




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