AETHEREAL-Outstanding Presentation


I usually Speak when I should be Listening….But let me clarify something beyond a Shadow of a Doubt…The Lord does want you to Open your Third Eye…BUT…putting a a driver with a Learners Permit in a Bugatti Race car will be Fatal…Seduction from entities and misguidance…will have you on the Wrong Path and you won’t even know it…Not knowing how to walk a Path with Wisdom…Was never what the Lord wanted…and none of us have Much Wisdom if ANY…we have become Emotionally Connected to the World of GREED we are ALL drowning in…..So to open the Third Eye over night…will get you Killed at the End of the Path….Since it was suppose to take a Lifetime to master at a grain of sand at a Time…with Love and Guidance…But how can you be Guided By those who were Poisoned before YOU……Getting a pail full of ability at one time will be Fatal…You will not be able to walk past the doorways of Seduction from EVIL Entities…Until you want nothing but the hand of GOD…And can walk threw a candy store and see nothing else..But LOVE in our Father….Then you will be consumed…until you Do…And I wish I could tell you I have this Ability… But The Lord has not Blessed me with it Yet…I do not want anything in this World Anymore…For the Lord is My Shepard and I shall not want…Yet I struggle with a Lifetime of Poisoning Greed…Both Mentally and Physically…Drugs of any kind are not from GOD…That is FACT…Been there Done that…it is just another path of darkness you are lead to believe…other then Natural Vitamins…If we were not all poisoned and controlled by a darkness…we would all remember past lifetimes…that we asended from…For our father gave us all…The gift of eternal Life…To Everlasting Life…God does not expect Perfection…But he does excpect you to try to do the right things…and not make excuses for why you didn’t…

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