Breaking the DNA CODE

I guess I am the only One that really Understands what that Means….Why is no one talking about it…Because the bottom line isssss….. it makes Doctors and All Prescription Drugs Obsolete….It is the cure of everything…and no one is saying anything…Doesn’t anyone get it…. you can grow new cartilage take nortropics to make you smarter..grow new hair,,,and on and on.its the schematic to the human Body…….with feco matter transplants get the right bacteria back in your system that prescription drugs have wiped out…Watch Dr Gudr89.Do you know that when you are born all those secretions By the mother is a Big dose of happy bacteria we all need and they have found that caecerean births…Our children are losing all these natural benefits…..these bacterias cure your Metabolism and ends fatness its the magic cure to everything with natural cures and no side effects… and no one is saying anything…of course its ALLLLLLLLLLLL About GREED…Why would you want to save someones life for $20 dollars worth of mushrooms or what ever naturally… when you can charge them $20,000 for surgery and prescribe drugs to them till they Die…When will this world wake up….OMG…..They have crossed breeds to make Ligers–a lion and a tiger…These animals are gigantic 3-4 times as big…look them up…but it only works one way if you breed the opposite direction they are just a normal size…Which could kill you easily enough…I believe it said on the documentary that they need 3-400 pounds of meat a day…Thats a Big preditor…They fully understand Our DNA…and Animals….

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