AHHH Let it be Shown..JAE…..I did tell you…1 million would die this year before this even Started…Actually I said it last Year thinking last year was this Year…By the Trickory of Darkness ..This is not about Viruses…This is about ignoring the LIGHT of (ALL)-god….I warned them and they think its A JOKE….Not to Mention…keeping me chained here like some weird shield for their own greed and ignorance will not stop this…….And this Crap of we didn’t want to create a Panic..When the TRAIN IS AT FULL STEAM COMING DOWN THE TRACKS… TWENTY FEET AWAY…is Just the biggest line of HORSE SH*T…I ever Heard…Now they want everyone to stay in there homes and not associate that was what- (They)- Evil…..has recommended at ground Zero..OH people are working from their Laptops….What ever…!!!….Really Making me think…something is going to be Happening Outside that they don’t want the Population to SEE…or MAYBE ABSORB is a better definition..This world has never been ready to deal with any Pandemic…EVER…..Hhhmmm did you know they had a cure for AIDS- HIV..???…..But when they cured the person-The Host of the mutated into another Strain…They didn’t have it anymore….. but then became a carrier of the new Mutated Strain they then they had 2 strains to deal with..of course they didn’t figure this all out till they had done it 20 times or maybe it was 200 who knows…..So just so you understand…its not just AIDS or HIV…It’s AIDS-XY49 or which ever Strain you have contracted thats why some live a long time and some die quick….Holy Crap Doctor JAE….LOL..intense..stuff…Great Explanation….AHH..Doctor JAE…???.. I have hairy palms…Do you know how to cure this….lol…HA,HA,HA..(Lord that’s funny)………Do any of us have to be a Geniuses…What part of any of this does not scream Petri dish…Most do not know many many years Russia…. the cat got out of the bag or should I say the test tube………and they cured it alright…THEY NUKED THE WHOLE CITY…with a incendiary BOMB….Took the city OFF the Map……I believe it was over a 5 square mile radius..1 big Burn Spot and GONE…Acceptable Losses…As long as your not one of them..RIGHT…???… I guess living beside a Resident Evil pretty dangerous…and you thought it was Laundry Mat…. yeah right…Their was a Pulitzer Prize winner many many years ago that stated the next mass death would be caused By A strain of Small Pox being LET out of A Test Tube….WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS WORLD….That finding Death has become more important then Finding Life…JAE….
Jun 07, 2016 · Before smallpox was eradicated, it was a serious infectious disease caused by the variola virus. It was contagious—meaning, it spread from one person to another. People who had smallpox had a fever and a distinctive, progressive skin rash. Most people with smallpox recovered, but about 3 out of every 10 people with the disease died.
……I HATE BEING CRAZY and RIGHT AT THE SAME TIME…!!!…if this doesn’t make you piss yourself nothing will….
way,,,way,,,way…to much the same
Smallpox is a contagious, disfiguring and often deadly disease that has affected humans for thousands of years. Naturally occurring smallpox was eradicated worldwide by 1980 — the result of an unprecedented global immunization campaign.

Samples of smallpox virus have been kept for research purposes. This has led to concerns that smallpox could someday be used as a biological warfare agent.
I can’t get this Filthy Lieing Hidden Agenda taste out of My Mouth…….EVERYONE BETTER BELIEVE…THATS EXACTLY WHAT THIS IS…!!!…(biological warfare)…
Remember all those body bags they were stock piling…??? and said they could jam up to three bodies in one bag if they had too…??? AHHH I’d like to apologize JAE…I WAS WRONG…we aren’t all going to be in the same cages..
WE ARE ALL GOING TO BE IN THE SAME BODY BAGS..ain’t Karma a Bitch…You know I just couldn’t see how EVIL was going to BETRAY these Smiling Church Heretics…
Oh we don’t have any CURE..Boo-Hoo-Hoo…Guess again…YOU don’t have A Cure…THEY DO…understand..and ALLLLLLL these flu shots are making alot more sense…NOW….I wonder if anyone important got any of these miracle Flu Shots..That were so good for everyone…???…See when you have an economy getting to the edge of calapse you go to war..everyone is working and half your work force is eliminated…so then there are plenty of Jobs and the economy starts bombing again..But the problem NOW IS…. who can you pick a fight with…. that doesn’t have a NUKE in there back pocket…???….So what you do is you release a Plague……And since there is 50 of every gadget to a person stock pilled in this world and energy will be free….You really don’t need a big work force anymore….to serve you….This is ALL ONE BIG HAPPY MEAL OF GLOBAL TERRORISTIC LIES…Another Episode of the Twin Towers…But I find Serenity in knowing…Every Smiling Back Stabbing Demon from Hell is going to pay the consequences….Toooooo…Because I know for a fact they were getting those shots too…I never got them…and the most important reason I never got them…. is because I was asked by every single person… 5 times if I got them….5 people asking is understandable…500 people asking is way to weird for me…I got the first one and it made me soo sick..I thought I was going to die and never again..that must have been 15 years ago I think…
When people say weird things that just don’t make sense and then they that AH HA moment…I just had one….So she says to me…after lieing cheating and stealing from me about a week after I threw her out…OHHH I’m going to have 3 brand new cars…and I thought…What in the Hell are you thinking…?…what’s wrong with you…?? No Job…Can’t manage 5 Bucks,,with out a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out…It wasn’t what she said… it was How she said it…Reminded me of George Bush Junior when the reporter looked at him and said what if you lose the election…and I will never forget the way He said…OHHH I’M NOT GOING TO LOSE…He didn’t say it with confidence he said it with Arrogance…Knowing he had won already…BIG Difference…I watched that a Dozen Times and it really just made me sick….I kept thinking maybe i was over reacting…NOT A FRICKING CHANCE…and SHE SAID IT EXAAAACTLY THE SAME WAY…OHH I’M GOING TO HAVE 3 BRAND NEW CARS…

No cure or treatment for smallpox exists. A vaccine can prevent smallpox, but the risk of the vaccine’s side effects is too high to justify routine vaccination for people at low risk of exposure to the smallpox virus.

Smallpox pustules covering the trunk of the body
The first symptoms of smallpox usually appear 10 to 14 days after you’re infected. During the incubation period of seven to 17 days, you look and feel healthy and can’t infect others.

Following the incubation period, a sudden onset of flu-like signs and symptoms occurs. These include:

Overall discomfort
Severe fatigue
Severe back pain
Vomiting, possibly
A few days later, flat, red spots appear first on your face, hands and forearms, and later on your trunk. Within a day or two, many of these lesions turn into small blisters filled with clear fluid, which then turns into pus. Scabs begin to form eight to nine days later and eventually fall off, leaving deep, pitted scars.

Lesions also develop in the mucous membranes of your nose and mouth and quickly turn into sores that break open.

People have no idea….Did you know that surgeons drilling into a persons Bone to insert a screw for broken bones that have HIV and AIDS…That it becomes Air Born and is 10 times smaller then the filtration on a surgical mask…???…They tell everyone to be safe but then give them Hand grenades to play with like Marbles…DID YOU KNOW….That if you are Playing with a Female prior to putting on a rubber and then touch yourself..YOU have infected yourself…or the fact that if you have any type of Bleeding gums and are preforming..oral sex you can contract the Virus…???…since we are talking about Viruses…and dentistry…with the drilling…yeah I think you get the Picture…

This is ALL correlating with 5G…OHH GEE…did you forget about THAT…??? Yeah that SIZZLING SOUND YOU HEAR..its not the Bacon on the Stove…ITS YOUR BRAIN….But don’t worry your not going to die from it…YOU are going to Starve to Death Long before that Kills YOU…CELL PHONES AND 5G….Disorients YOU and Honey BEES and it kills them…No Honey BEES…NO Pollination = NO FOOD…

…I WANT YOU ALL TO SEE THIS EVIL… any of you follow Stocks…??? or Fluctuations…???…BILLIONS and BILLIONS and BILLIONS…..NOT MILLIONS…BILLIONS are being pulled out of Oil Stocks…no one wants them anymore..They are soon going to be almost worthless…Google,,,ALL Governments,,,Bill Gates,,,Facebook,,,Amazon,,,AT&T,,,General Motors,,,Costco,,,Target,,,Kaiser Permanente,,,Johnson & Johnson,,,FedEx….and many many many other Big Big Hitters are dumping global amounts of Money into it…….WE are on the edge of a NEW Energy Source…and its one Lie to the Next…They are pointing at Solar Energy with miss-direction But that’s another LIE…
and how smart you WEREN’T..not how smart you thought you were…
A Smart Man would of SEEN The LIGHT of OUR LORD…A Century’s Mile Away …:)….and it DAMN SURE WAS NEVER AT ANY CHURCH ON THIS PLANET…!!!…
OHHH and don’t run out there and put your life savings into this energy thinking you are some Business Tycoon…or you will end up pennyless…on the first Margin fluxuation…This AIN’T BIT COIN..which is going to take a real bad Dump at some point too…it’s all a Mirage…the king has no cloths on…you know….

So anyways I read about this as a kid 5 – 7…Funny how some things just resonate and you just don’t know why you understand it.. the second time around…is Easier…:)…I Guess
ANYWAYS…. Einstein is the father of everything and Anything…Electronic…and had an extremely high level of understanding in Carbon based Physics to mathmatically Manipulate waves of energy…its what it’s all about……But Understand…Mathmatics is the TRUTH of GOD…and the truth is whether Einstein knew it or not…Ummm kinda the Benedict Arnold to the True light of our existence…
E=MC2….is Correct in Front of the Curtain with mass-matter present….But is Wrong Behind the curtain…in this Relativity of TRUTH..IT IS WRONG..because their is No Mass…only energy— Hence the Hand of God…I don’t want to debate or try to explain what is far to complex for understanding… Srinivasa Ramanujan Proves this…which is not understandable…at this point and won’t be for a long long time…
I don’t like to write things that will be used inappropreately…ITS ABOUT GOD…OK…WE ARE CRYSTALLINE ENERGY…in Carbon BASE(vessels)…The Sun gives off crystalline Base energy to the Father..(hint)…which is stored in sand – Silicon…Its why you feel good in the sunlight……Sun Shine is Good for the SOUL…:)….anywaysss…. Extracting this power…on this side of the curtain…is a Carbon base Equation…where matter exists…to reach threw the curtain and take the crystalline out of the Silicon…thats the best I can explain it…understandably I think…in this vibrational control..of a matter based cage of Slavery…Yikes got a tingle…AHHH am I getting way to far out there for everyone..JAE…???…..Probably…..

They call it Crystal energy but it is actually Crystalline..exorbed in the silicon of sand…. Created by the SUN…36,000 years worth or something like that of free energy…SEE Einstein…wrote about this…I looking at this research…but we never had the Technology to extract it….or to uumm slice the curtian of matter..(so to say)….to draw it out..NOW WE….LOL sorry I got stupid for a second….NOW (THEY) DO……So when energy becomes almost free…Don’t worry you still won’t have any money….. that dollar loaf of Bread is NOT going to be a dollar…anymore…OH But we can eat Fish Right….WakeTF UP…WHAT FISH…!!! You might Really want to start LOOKING AT WHAT THE HELL—and I do mean that Literally is going on in this world….WITH EVERY ENDLESS BUFFALO HERD SPECIES ON THIS PLANET Being wiped out…with pure careless and thoughtless Gluttony….OHHH THATS RIGHT SHHHHHHHHHHH….. ( LOOK OVER HERE…!!!!.. )……..LISTEN…!!!…HU-MAN’s ARE THE COCKROACHES OF THIS PLANET…..AND IT IS GOING TO STOP…!!!… IF NOT SOONER BY CHOICE….THEN IT WILL BE LATER… BY MASSIVE GLOBAL DEATH…….and THAT TRAIN IS TEN FEET AWAY AT FULL STEAM…

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